Recently I set out to migrate most of my work from Rubyforge to GitHub, in so doing I needed a umbrella account to place all these wonderfully chewy morsals. In deliberating a name for the account I recollected the very first Ruby website I had ever created back in 2002. It was called Ruby Works and hosted at It has long been defunct, but it seems fitting to bring my waining Ruby career to a conclusion by coming full circle. And so Ruby Works was reborn.

In the process of this migration I made myself this nifty new blog built with Brite, my home grown static website and weblog construction kit.

In any case, this website is dedicated to the many awesome Ruby projects I've had the privilege to develop and maintain over the years. Combined with ProUtils these cover my complete works in the Rubydom. Most of the projects are in good working order. In fact, I've only let a couple non-useable projects into the collection, in their case because I would like to get them working soon. All the rest good to go, some in relatviely perfect order, others still a little rough around the edges, but still usable.

As time wears on I'll blog about these various projects here (now that I have this spiffy new blog). If you would like to discuss any of these projects please hop over the the Google Group. I setup the group just for that purpose.

Written by trans, 2009-08-24