Lime is a behavior-oriented test framework using a Gherkin-based syntax inspeired by Cucumber. Unlike Cucumber, Lime is implemented purely in Ruby, not as a separate parse system, and runs on top of the Ruby Universal Test Harness, Ruby Test.


To give you a taste of what a lime testcase looks like and example based on the one given on Cucumber's homepage. We would write a Lime feature case along the same lines:

  Feature "Addition" do
    To "avoid silly mistakes"
    As "a math idiot"
    We "need to calculate the sum of numbers"

    Scenario "Add two numbers" do
      Given "I have a calculator"
      Given "I have entered 50 into the calculator"
      Given "I have entered 70 into the calculator"
      When  "I press add"
      Then  "the result should be 120 on the screen"

    Scenario "Add three numbers" do
      Given "I have a calculator"
      Given "I have entered 50 into the calculator"
      Given "I have entered 70 into the calculator"
      Given "I have entered 90 into the calculator"
      When  "I press add"
      Then  "the result should be 210 on the screen"

    Given 'I have a calculator' do
      require 'calculator'
      @calculator =

    Given 'I have entered (\d+) into the calculator' do |n|
      @calculator.push n.to_i

    When 'I press add' do
      @result = @calculator.add

    Then 'the result should be (\d+) on the screen' do |n|
      @result.assert == n.to_i

A silly example to be sure, but one we can all easily understand.