R.C. is a runtime configuration management system for Ruby-based project tools. It is multi-tenant, allowing multiple tools to be configured in a single Config.rb file. And it is independent, tools do not have to depend on R.C. in order to be configured.

Finding Information

Getting Started

Getting started with R.C. is take only a few minutes. Assuming you have a typical Ruby-ready system, simply install the rc gem.

    $ gem install rc

To use R.C. for all projects, add the rc bootstrap feature to your systems RUBYOPT environment variable. You will want to add this to you start up scripts, depending on your system that will be .bashrc or .profile, or what have you.

    $ export RUBYOPT="-rc $RUBYOPT"

Alternately, you can add R.C. to your project's Gemfile:

    gem 'rc'

Then is will work when ever you use bundle exec.

Now you can then specify tool configurations in a project's Config.rb file.

    # Config.rb
    config 'qed', profile: 'coverage' do
      require 'simplecov'
      SimpleCov.start do

When the tool is run, with the coresponding profile, the configuration will be applied.

    $ profile=coverage qed

As long as a tool is Ruby-based and has some means of global configuration, then R.C. can be used to configure it.

Tool developers can add dedicated support for R.C. to their project's with a simple snippet of code.

    require 'rc/api'

    configure 'mytool' do |config|
      MyTool.configure(&config) if config.profile?