English  English

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Public Class Methods

abbreviation() click to toggle source
   # File lib/english/class.rb, line 5
5:   def self.abbreviation
6:     'en'
7:   end
conjunction(array, type=:and, seperator=",") click to toggle source

English conjunciton.

This is more advanced form of join, as it allows for an English-based terminating separator.

The default type of conjunction —the terminating separator, is “and”, and the default regualt separator is “,”.

  => "1, 2 and 3

  => "1, 2 or 3

  [1,2,3].conjunction(:or, ';')
  => "1; 2 or 3
    # File lib/english/conjunction.rb, line 26
26:   def self.conjunction(array, type=:and, seperator=",")
27:     array     = array.to_a
28:     type      = type.to_s
29:     separator = separator.to_s
30:     space     = space.to_s
32:     case array.length
33:     when 0
34:       ""
35:     when 1
36:       array[0]
37:     when 2
38:       "#{array[0]} #{type} #{array[1]}"
39:     else
40:       [array[0..2].join("#{separator} "), array[1]].join(" #{type} ")
41:     end
42:   end
dirty_words() click to toggle source
   # File lib/english/censor.rb, line 5
5:   def self.dirty_words
6:     %{fuck shit cunt pussy dick asshole niger}
7:   end
double_metaphone(string) click to toggle source

English module method for Double Metaphone.

     # File lib/english/metaphone.rb, line 448
448:   def self.double_metaphone(string)
449:     Metaphone.double_metaphone(string)
450:   end
dresner(string) click to toggle source

Scramble the inner characters of words leaving the text still readable (research at Cambridge University, code by KurtDresner).

For example, the above text may result in:

  Srblamce the iennr cchrteaars of wodrs lvenaig the txet stlil rbeaadle
  (rreceash at Cbamigdre Uverintisy, cdoe by KrneruestDr?)

CREDIT: Kurt Dresener

    # File lib/english/dresner.rb, line 15
15:   def self.dresner(string)
16:     string.to_s.gsub(/\B\w+\B/){$&.split(//).sort_by{rand}}
17:   end
infinitive(word) click to toggle source

Return the infinitive form of the given word.

     # File lib/english/infinitive.rb, line 841
841:   def self.infinitive(word)
842:     Infinitive.infinitives(word).first
843:   end
infinitives(word) click to toggle source

Return a list of possible infinitive forms of the given word.

     # File lib/english/infinitive.rb, line 836
836:   def self.infinitives(word)
837:     Infinitive.infinitives(word)
838:   end
jumble(string) click to toggle source

Jumble letter casing.

  "superman".jumble  #=> "SUpeRmAn"
    # File lib/english/jumble.rb, line 14
14:   def self.jumble(string)
15:     j = ''
16:     string.to_s.split(//).each_with_index{ |c,i| j << ( i % 2 == 0 ? c.downcase : c.upcase ) }
17:     j
18:   end
metaphone(string, alt=nil) click to toggle source

English module method for Metaphone.

     # File lib/english/metaphone.rb, line 442
442:   def self.metaphone(string, alt=nil)
443:     Metaphone.metaphone(string, alt)
444:   end
namecase(name) click to toggle source

Returns a new String with the contents properly namecased.

Perl Version Copyright © Mark Summerfield 1998-2002

Ruby Version Copyright © Aaron Patterson 2006

    # File lib/english/namecase.rb, line 12
12:   def self.namecase(name)
13:     localstring = name.downcase
14:     localstring.gsub!(/\b\w/) { |first| first.upcase }
15:     localstring.gsub!(/\'\w\b/) { |c| c.downcase } # Lowercase 's
17:     # Fixes for "Mac".
18:     if localstring =~ /\bMac[A-Za-z]{2,}[^aciozj]\b/ or localstring =~ /\bMc/
19:       localstring.gsub!(/\b(Ma?c)([A-Za-z]+)/) { |match| $1 + $2.capitalize }
20:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacEvicius/, 'Macevicius')
21:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacHado/, 'Machado')
22:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacHar/, 'Machar')
23:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacHin/, 'Machin')
24:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacHlin/, 'Machlin')
25:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacIas/, 'Macias')
26:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacIulis/, 'Maciulis')
27:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacKie/, 'Mackie')
28:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacKle/, 'Mackle')
29:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacKlin/, 'Macklin')
30:       localstring.gsub!(/\bMacQuarie/, 'Macquarie')
31:     end
32:     localstring.gsub!('Macmurdo','MacMurdo')
34:     # Fixes for "son (daughter) of" etc.
35:     localstring.gsub!(/\bAl(?=\s+\w)/, 'al')      # al Arabic or forename Al.
36:     localstring.gsub!(/\bAp\b/, 'ap')             # ap Welsh.
37:     localstring.gsub!(/\bBen(?=\s+\w)/,'ben')     # ben Hebrew or forename Ben.
38:     localstring.gsub!(/\bDell([ae])\b/,'dell\1')  # della and delle Italian.
39:     localstring.gsub!(/\bD([aeiu])\b/,'d\1')      # da, de, di Italian; du French.
40:     localstring.gsub!(/\bDe([lr])\b/,'de\1')      # del Italian; der Dutch/Flemish.
41:     localstring.gsub!(/\bEl\b/,'el')              # el Greek or El Spanish.
42:     localstring.gsub!(/\bLa\b/,'la')              # la French or La Spanish.
43:     localstring.gsub!(/\bL([eo])\b/,'l\1')        # lo Italian; le French.
44:     localstring.gsub!(/\bVan(?=\s+\w)/,'van')     # van German or forename Van.
45:     localstring.gsub!(/\bVon\b/,'von')            # von Dutch/Flemish
47:     # Fix roman numeral names
48:     localstring.gsub!(
49:       / \b ( (?: [Xx]{1,3} | [Xx][Ll]   | [Ll][Xx]{0,3} )?
50:              (?: [Ii]{1,3} | [Ii][VvXx] | [Vv][Ii]{0,3} )? ) \b /
51:     ) { |match| match.upcase }
53:     localstring
54:   end
numeral(integer) click to toggle source

Convert an integer to the english spelling of that number.

    # File lib/english/numeral.rb, line 16
16:   def self.numeral(integer)
17:     places = integer.to_i.to_s.split(//).collect{|s| s.to_i}.reverse
18:     name = []
19:     ((places.length + 2) / 3).times do |p|
20:       strings = trio(places[p * 3, 3])
21:       name.push(MEGA[p]) if strings.length > 0 and p > 0
22:       name += strings
23:     end
24:     name.push(ONES[0]) unless name.length > 0
25:     name.reverse.join(" ")
26:   end
ordinal(number) click to toggle source

Ordinalize turns a number string into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

  English.ordinal('1')  #=> "1st"
  English.ordinal('2')  #=> "2nd"
  English.ordinal(102)  #=> "102nd"
  English.ordinal(103)  #=> "103rd"
    # File lib/english/ordinal.rb, line 14
14:   def self.ordinal(number)
15:     number_string = number.to_s.strip
16:     if md = /\d{1,2}$/.match(number_string)
17:       n = md[0].to_i
18:       if (11..13).include?(number.to_i % 100)
19:         "#{number}th"
20:       else
21:         case n % 10
22:           when 1; "#{number}st"
23:           when 2; "#{number}nd"
24:           when 3; "#{number}rd"
25:           else    "#{number}th"
26:         end
27:       end      
28:       #number_string.sub(/\d{1,2}$/, r)
29:     else
30:       number_string
31:     end
32:   end
plural(string) click to toggle source
     # File lib/english/inflect.rb, line 295
295:   def self.plural(string)
296:     English::Inflect.plural(string)
297:   end
present_participle(word) click to toggle source
    # File lib/english/participle.rb, line 3
 3:   def self.present_participle(word)
 4:     plural = plural_verb(word.to_s, 2)
 6:     plural.sub!( /ie$/, 'y' ) or
 7:       plural.sub!( /ue$/, 'u' ) or
 8:       plural.sub!( /([auy])e$/, '$1' ) or
 9:       plural.sub!( /i$/, '' ) or
10:       plural.sub!( /([^e])e$/, "\\1" ) or
11:       /er$/.match( plural ) or
12:       plural.sub!( /([^aeiou][aeiouy]([bdgmnprst]))$/, "\\1\\2" )
14:     return "#{plural}ing"
15:   end
singular(string) click to toggle source
     # File lib/english/inflect.rb, line 290
290:   def self.singular(string)
291:     English::Inflect.singular(string)
292:   end
soundex(string) click to toggle source

Ruby implementation of the Soundex algorithm, as described by Knuth in volume 3 of The Art of Computer Programming.

Returns nil if the value couldn’t be calculated b/c of empty-string or invalid character.

  "Ruby".soundex  #=> "R100"

Based on work by Michael Neumann (neumann@s-direktnet.de)

    # File lib/english/soundex.rb, line 16
16:   def self.soundex(string)
17:     return nil if string.empty?
19:     str = string.upcase
20:     last_code = soundex_code(str[0,1])
21:     soundex_code = str[0,1]
23:     for index in 1...(str.size) do
24:       return soundex_code if soundex_code.size == 4
26:       code = soundex_code(str[index,1])
28:       if code == "0" then
29:         last_code = nil
30:       elsif code == nil then
31:         return nil
32:       elsif code != last_code then
33:         soundex_code += code
34:         last_code = code
35:       end
36:     end
38:     return soundex_code + "000"[0,4-soundex_code.size]
39:   end
soundex_code(char) click to toggle source

Support function for soundex. Returns code for a single character.

    # File lib/english/soundex.rb, line 44
44:   def self.soundex_code(char)
45:     char.tr! "AEIOUYWHBPFVCSKGJQXZDTLMNR", "00000000111122222222334556"
46:   end
stem_porter(string) click to toggle source

Returns the word stem using the Porter Stemming algorithm by Martin Porter.

     # File lib/english/porter.rb, line 190
190:   def self.stem_porter(string)
191:     PorterStemmer.stem(string)
192:   end
trio(places) click to toggle source
    # File lib/english/numeral.rb, line 29
29:   def self.trio(places)
30:     strings = []
31:     if places[1] == 1
32:       strings.push(TEEN[places[0]])
33:     elsif places[1] and places[1] > 0
34:       strings.push(places[0] == 0 ? TENS[places[1]] : "#{TENS[places[1]]}-#{ONES[places[0]]}")
35:     elsif places[0] > 0
36:       strings.push(ONES[places[0]])
37:     end
38:     if places[2] and places[2] > 0
39:       strings.push("hundred", ONES[places[2]])
40:     end
41:     strings
42:   end

Public Instance Methods

conjunction(type=:and, seperator=",") click to toggle source

This is more advanced form of join, as it allows for an English-based terminating separator.

The default type of conjunction —the terminating separator, is “and”, and the default regualt separator is “,”.

  => "1, 2 and 3

  => "1, 2 or 3

  [1,2,3].conjunction(:or, ';')
  => "1; 2 or 3
    # File lib/english/conjunction.rb, line 59
59:   def conjunction(type=:and, seperator=",")
60:     self.class.conjunction(@self, type, separator)
61:   end
double_metaphone() click to toggle source
     # File lib/english/metaphone.rb, line 458
458:   def double_metaphone
459:     self.class.double_metaphone(@self)
460:   end
dresner() click to toggle source

Scramble the inner characters of words leaving the text still readable (research at Cambridge University, code by KurtDresner).

For example, the above text may result in:

  Srblamce the iennr cchrteaars of wodrs lvenaig the txet stlil rbeaadle
  (rreceash at Cbamigdre Uverintisy, cdoe by KrneruestDr?)

CREDIT: Kurt Dresener

    # File lib/english/dresner.rb, line 28
28:   def dresner
29:     self.class.dresner(@self)
30:   end
infinitive() click to toggle source

Return the infinitive form of a word.

     # File lib/english/infinitive.rb, line 851
851:   def infinitive
852:     Infinitive.infinitives(@self).first
853:   end
infinitives() click to toggle source

Return a list of possible infinitive forms of a word.

     # File lib/english/infinitive.rb, line 846
846:   def infinitives
847:     Infinitive.infinitives(@self)
848:   end
jumble() click to toggle source

Jumble letter casing.

  "superman".jumble  #=> "SUpeRmAn"
    # File lib/english/jumble.rb, line 24
24:   def jumble
25:     self.class.jumble(@self)
26:   end
metaphone(alt=nil) click to toggle source
     # File lib/english/metaphone.rb, line 453
453:   def metaphone(alt=nil)
454:     self.class.metaphone(@self, alt=nil)
455:   end
namecase() click to toggle source

Returns a new String with the contents properly namecased.

    # File lib/english/namecase.rb, line 57
57:   def namecase
58:     self.class.namecase(@self)
59:   end
numeral() click to toggle source

Convert to the english spelling of a number.

  10.numeral  #=> "10"
    # File lib/english/numeral.rb, line 48
48:   def numeral
49:     self.class.numeral(@self)
50:   end
ordinal() click to toggle source

Ordinalize turns a number string into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

  '1'.ordinal     # => "1st"
  '2'.ordinal     # => "2nd"
  '102'.ordinal   # => "102nd"
  '103'.ordinal   # => "103rd"

  1.ordinal       # => "1st"
  2.ordinal       # => "2nd"
  102.ordinal     # => "102nd"
  103.ordinal     # => "103rd"
    # File lib/english/ordinal.rb, line 48
48:   def ordinal
49:     self.class.ordinal(@self)
50:   end
plural() click to toggle source

Convert an English word from plurel to singular.

  "boys".singular      #=> boy
  "tomatoes".singular  #=> tomato
     # File lib/english/inflect.rb, line 316
316:   def plural
317:     self.class.plural(@self)
318:   end
Also aliased as: pluralize
pluralize() click to toggle source

Alias for plural.

singular() click to toggle source

Convert an English word from plurel to singular.

  "boys".singular      #=> boy
  "tomatoes".singular  #=> tomato
     # File lib/english/inflect.rb, line 304
304:   def singular
305:     self.class.singular(@self)
306:   end
Also aliased as: singularize
singularize() click to toggle source

Alias for singular.

soundex() click to toggle source

Ruby implementation of the Soundex algorithm, as described by Knuth in volume 3 of The Art of Computer Programming.

Returns nil if the value couldn’t be calculated b/c of empty-string or invalid character.

  "Ruby".soundex  #=> "R100"

Based on work by Michael Neumann (neumann@s-direktnet.de)

    # File lib/english/soundex.rb, line 58
58:   def soundex
59:     self.class.soundex(@self)
60:   end
stem_porter() click to toggle source

Returns the word stem using the Porter Stemming algorithm by Martin Porter.

     # File lib/english/porter.rb, line 195
195:   def stem_porter
196:     self.class.stem_porter(@self)
197:   end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.