English  HISTORY.rdoc

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Wed Sep 22 18:05:01 -0400 2010

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0.6.3 / 2010-09-21

This release allows the english library to be loaded via require 'en'. This offeres a way to get around Ruby’s own English.rb library on case insensitive systems.


0.6.2 / 2010-06-19

Restored last singularize and pluralize aliases for singular and plural.


0.6.1 / 2010-06-05

This release entails two enhancments. A simple bug fix for the conjunction method, and the completion of integrating Michael Granger’s Infinitive module into the library.


0.6.0 / 2010-05-29

This release is a significant milestone and short of any bug reports will become the 1.0 release in the coming months. The biggest change is the dependency on Language library, which is a spin-off of English to house language neutral and multi-language code.


0.5.0 / 2009-10-03

Initial progress towards a more elegant design. This release it turns out is a little premature. I do not recommed using it in production. But it does provide a feel for were English is headed.


0.4.0 / 2009-06-06

This version of English (v0.4.0) is the first step in a two part process to scale the library back to it’s “pure English” roots. With limited exceptions, library scripts that are not strictly related to providing routines for working with the English language will be deprecated. Any useful deprecated functionality will most likely be supported in Ruby Facets instead.


0.3.0 / 2008-09-27

English’s Inflect performance has been greatly improved. Inflect had used sorting and a comparision loop to find matches for singular and plural conversions. Now it uses a single Regexp which handles all the matching grunt work on it’s own and provides a 10x performance gain! Thanks goes to Wycats for this superb work on this.

English has also gained a new Style module which extends the String class. This mixin provides an assortment of String alteration methods such as titlecase, jumble, pathize, etc; all the ones you would expect and then some.


0.2.0 / 2008-02-07

Continued work in general orginaization, deciding what will and will not be included, what the best names for things are, etc.


0.1.0 / 2007-08-01

English is a spin-off project from Ruby Facets, collecting a number of english-related libraries under a single unified package. This is the first stab at pulling these libraries together.
