Ratch  History.rdoc

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Last Modified
Fri Feb 25 12:08:52 -0500 2011

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1.2.0 | 2011-01-24

Ratch has remerged with the Path gem (formerly Folio), and will be taking over for its services from here on. In the process the library has been further refined.


1.1.0 | 2008-11-21

This is the second public release of Ratch. Folio is now used a Ratch’s backend. Folio handles a great deal of what Ratch requires, so much of Ratch is now just a thin wrapper around Folio.


1.0.0 | 2009-09-22

This is the initial stand-alone release of Path, a collection of Path-related classes partially spun-off from Ruby Facets and briefly called Folio.
