Ratch  Ratch::XDGUtils

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The XDG utility module provides access ot the XDG library functions. This module requires the `xdg` gem.

This module simply maps the xdg method to the XDG function module.

NOTE: This module is non-essential since one can just use the XDG module directly, however we want to encourage the use XDG, so it’s been provided to encourage that in the context of a Ratch script.

Public Class Methods

extended(base) click to toggle source
    # File lib/ratch/utils/xdg.rb, line 24
24:     def self.extended(base)
25:       included(base)
26:     end
included(base) click to toggle source
    # File lib/ratch/utils/xdg.rb, line 15
15:     def self.included(base)
16:       begin
17:         require 'xdg'
18:       rescue
19:         $stderr << "The `xdg` gem is needed to use the XDGUtils module."
20:         exit 1
21:       end
22:     end

Public Instance Methods

xdg() click to toggle source

Simple access to XDG function module.

  xdg.config.home  #=> "~/.config"
    # File lib/ratch/utils/xdg.rb, line 32
32:     def xdg
33:       XDG
34:     end

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